06-66-10-44-52 contact@liberetadanse.com

Paris - conscious dance - Micro

Micro - Workshop at conscious dance conscious dance in Paris. Micro: exploring your comfort zone. To get out of it, it's good to know your comfort zone. Know what's comfortable and what's not, and what your limits are. This guided evening at conscious dance will plunge you into the sensations...

Aix-en-P. Defining your intention

Define your intention A workshop at conscious dance in Aix en Provence to map out a direction in which to focus your energy. It's all about choosing where to focus your attention. To get this new year off to a good start, I suggest you define your...

Aix-en-P. - conscious dance à Midi

Dancing at noon in Aix-en-Provence Breathe and move 1h to take care of yourself Dancing to feel alive Relaxation and letting go: a practice to connect with the body and sensations conscious dance offers a unique path to relaxation and...

Aix-en-P. - conscious dance on lunch break

conscious dance in Aix-en-Provence Explore a liberating dance practice in Aix-en-Provence This workshop is designed to reconnect you to your body and your sensations to encourage presence and letting go. The pressure of performance is set aside and...