06-66-10-44-52 contact@liberetadanse.com

Frequently asked questions

Re-discover your self-confidence with the conscious dance

Can't find the words? Let your body show you.

Contact me at

Gain self-confidence with conscious dance

Welcome to my space dedicated to conscious dance, an inner journey where each movement expresses an emotion, a thought, a liberation.

Here are the questions I'm most often asked:

1: What are your rates?

Individual sessions :

  • Online: €60
  • Indoor (Aix-en-Provence): €80
  • At home: 80€ (+ kilometre allowance of 0.40€/km from La Fare les Oliviers, e.g. 30€ for Marseille, 20€ for Aix-en-Provence, and 10€ for Salon-de-Provence)

Group workshops :

  • 1 hour: €12
  • 2 hours: €20
  • Longer courses and workshops: special rates

2: Are you reimbursed by social security?

No, conscious dance is not reimbursed by social security.

3: Why practice conscious dance ? How can it help me gain self-confidence?

conscious dance is more than just a physical activity. As a teacher specializing in the development of self-confidence, my aim is to accompany you on this inner journey. You'll learn how important it is to be supported, both by me as a teacher and by the community of dancers. Together, we'll explore the underlying reasons for our shy or anxious behaviors, to better understand and change them. conscious dance offers a safe space to explore our darker areas and discover our full potential.

4: Why do I hesitate to call you?

It's natural to feel hesitant, afraid and stuck in our ways. I hope this site will answer your questions, but don't forget that you can also write to me if you don't feel comfortable calling. conscious dance and personal development practices can sometimes be misunderstood, but those who choose to engage in them are in fact courageous. You have the choice to want to change, and I'm here to support you on that journey.

5: How long will it take to feel better?

The first session often brings immediate relief. After that, it all depends on your regularity and commitment to change. In general, after a few weeks, you'll already feel a clear improvement, and after a few months, you should be autonomous in your problem. The key is perseverance: the more you put in, the more results you'll reap.

6: How do I dress for conscious dance ?

We usually dance barefoot, in comfortable clothes that don't restrict our movements. Choose loose-fitting clothes that allow you to move freely and connect with your body without constraint.

7: I've never danced before, can I do it?

conscious dance is not about aesthetics or performance. We even hide the mirrors to encourage sensory and emotional exploration without judgment. Whether you're a novice or an experienced dancer, we get moving to explore our bodily senses and express our emotions. Variety and fluidity of movement will come with practice, so step out with confidence that you can do it.

8: What is your character?

My participants often describe me as an attentive, caring and non-judgmental listener. My gentle, soothing voice creates a safe environment where you can rediscover a sense of inner calm. At the end of the workshops, many recognize the caring quality of the group, which allowed them to freely express their movements and emotions.

9: What sets you apart from other caregivers?

As conscious dance and dance therapy are not very widespread in France (outside Paris), the use of dance - a fun, festive activity that connects us - is an original approach in itself. My approach is based on my personal experience of low self-confidence. I draw my resources from my own challenges and my desire to follow an authentic path. My professional background in business and as a single mother means I understand the challenges you face on a daily basis. I'm here to support you on your journey with empathy and understanding. I've loved and practiced dance since I was a child, all types of dance: Latin and African in couples, ballet and modern jazz.

10: Why did you choose to become a teacher at conscious dance ?

It's not an easy job, but I'm passionate about it because it allows me to have a positive impact on the world. Helping people to better understand themselves and develop their self-confidence is an enriching experience. My passion for dance and my belief in its transformative power naturally led me to become a teacher at conscious dance.

regain self-confidence

Contact form

Take the first step towards a more serene and confident life by contacting me.

Tel: 06 66 10 44 52

E-mail address: contact@liberetadanse.com

Address of the dance hall

Complexe Ruocco dance hall

Rés. Li Paséroun, 348, Avenue Gaston Berger, Aix-en-Provence

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.