06-66-10-44-52 contact@liberetadanse.com

Explore your full potential and shine at conscious dance!

Unleash your innate confidence and explore your freedom of movement!
Upcoming workshops

When your confidence falters

In the whirlwind of everyday life, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by our own doubts and uncertainties.

  • Every movement seems constrained by an invisible force, every word stifled by the fear of judgment.
  • Every step forward is accompanied by an inner voice telling you that you're not enough, not capable.
  • You feel isolated, as if no one can really understand what you're going through.
  • You don't feel able to share your deepest thoughts, your most intense emotions.
  • Maybe you're hiding behind a mask of smiles and pretense, while inside you feel vulnerable and alone.
  • You feel suffocated by other people's expectations and your own.
  • Despite your best efforts, you feel trapped by your own thoughts and emotions, unable to overcome the invisible barriers that prevent you from reaching your full potential.
  • Self-confidence seems to be a distant horizon, difficult to reach.
Let's talk
lack of confidence

Towards a radiant future

self-confidence 3

You're not alone in feeling this mixture ofanxiety, shyness and confusion. There is a path to light and a brighter future .

  • Imagine a brighter reality, where confidence and joy are constant companions. Through the conscious danceyou'll discover how to release your inhibitions, explore your inner self and embrace your own magnificence.
  • The conscious dance offers more than just physical expression. Together, we can build a solid bridge toa new reality where you feel fulfilled, confident and free to be who you really are.
  • By exploring your body's movements, you come into contact with your deepest emotions, enabling you to understand and transform them.
  • Carried by the music, each movement becomes an affirmation of your inner self. In this space of freedom, you can explore your limits, overcome your fears and reconnect with your true essence.

Visit conscious dance to live life to the full and feel confident.

Liberation and affirmation

Imagine yourself in the near future:

  • You're fully yourself, in full control, confident and fulfilled.
  • You feel in your place, aligned with your true essence, free to choose your own destiny.
  • You want to feel confident and self-assured in every action and decision you take.
  • Challenges are no longer insurmountable obstacles, but opportunities forlearning and growth.
  • You're free from the fear of failure, able to take on challenges with courage and determination.

In this desired future :

  • Your self-esteem is positive and strong, enabling you to express yourself authentically and pursue your goals with passion and commitment.
  • You are responsible for your life, master or mistress of your destiny, and you embrace each day with gratitude and optimism.

This bright future awaits you, ready to be explored through the conscious dance.


Hello, I'm Solange Brelot

Teacher of conscious dance in Aix-en-Provence, certified in Movement Medicine

Solange Brelot - Libère ta danse 3

I'm passionate about this form of dance, which is accessible to all and transcends physical and emotional limits. It connects us deeply with ourselves and with others. For me, dance is not just a movement of the body, but an inner journey, a sacred place where I can find myself, let my emotions rise andexpress themselves, and explore freedom.

Thanks to my training in Movement Medicine and my experiences, I can support and accompany you on your ownjourney. By developing body awareness, I encourageself-esteem and create a space where you feel confident, serene and accepted, whatever your previous experience with dance.

With gentleness and delicacy, I take you on an introspective and intimate journey into the heart of yourself. Together, we explore theacceptance andwonder of your body, with its infinite capacity for movement andself-healing. In this way, dance becomes the means to overcome your obstacles and achieve your full potential.

Join me in this beautiful adventure of the dance of life.

Practicing conscious dance

Developing self-confidence

Free yourself from low self-confidence

- I'll accompany you on a journey of self-discovery that will enable you to cultivate authentic self-confidence.

- Together, we'll work to boost your self-esteem and cultivate authentic self-esteem.


Manage your emotions

- Using dance as a means ofexpression and emotional release, I guide you to explore and understand your emotions, transforming them into sources of strength andinspiration.

- Together, we create a safe space to express them and integrate them positively into your life.


Develop your interpersonal skills

- Interactive exercises teach you to communicate clearly, emphatically and authentically, bringing depth and fluidity to your relationships with others.

- The conscious dance is a powerful way to strengthen your interpersonal skills by connecting with others authentically and without judgment.


estelle google review
google review Audrey
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Other testimonials: What did you find?

"Very intense moments of connection and letting go" Claire

"Only positive things, another way of moving to be in touch with oneself" Nathalie

"I didn't expect so much kindness and benevolence: a very pleasant surprise" Véronique

"Letting go, trust, freedom." Nicolas 

"A safe haven where authenticity is freely accessible with Tenderness and Love." Samia

"It was a wonderful experience. I arrived nervous and stressed and left feeling soothed. Thank you!" Rose

Is conscious dance right for you?

conscious dance is a practice that can benefit anyone ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery. This practice is for you if :

  • If you're looking for a way to express yourself fully, free yourself from inhibitions andexplore your hiddenpotential
  • If you've ever felt the need to connect with your body and emotions in an authentic way
  • If you're open to the idea ofexploring new dimensions of yourself and your relationships with others
  • conscious dance is not just a series of movements, but a deeply personal inner journey.
  • Finally, if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth

Join us and let conscious dance be your guide to a richer, more fulfilled life. 

Take the first step towards a more serene and confident life

Contact me to find out more or to sign up for a discovery workshop. Together, we'll release your energy, boost your confidence and enrich your daily life.


Join us and discover how conscious dance can transform your lunch break into a moment of well-being and joy in Aix-en-Provence. 



Contact form

Tel: 06 66 10 44 52

E-mail address: contact@liberetadanse.com

Address of the dance hall

Complexe Ruocco dance hall

Rés. Li Paséroun, 348, Avenue Gaston Berger, Aix-en-Provence

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.