06-66-10-44-52 contact@liberetadanse.com

Online courses

Join us for a guided Movement Medicine session via Zoom

Directly to your home

Free up your time
Make room around you
Let's explore inside

A home practice for those who don't feel ready to face the gaze of others, or who can't travel.

These classes allow you to move, to connect with your body through feeling, and to connect with others.
Starts gently, with kindness and breathing.
Nothing to do, just be. Concentrate on the breath and feel the movement coming from within. Let itaisse it grow and express itself according to the emotions and feelings of the moment.

Tuesdays, 9 to 10 a.m.

These sessions are open to everyone, with or without dance experience.

Free yourself up a little time and space, and let's partons en exploration intérieure, no connect with your body, its sensations and emotions. Move to feel alivee connect with other participants; se alone, as a couple or as a family.

Join us at 8.50am on Zoom for a guided Movement Medicine session.

The courses take place in 3 stages:

  • Welcome and transition (approx. 10min)
  • Movement to music (approx. 45min)
  • Sharing experience (approx. 5min)

Price: Free trial class, then €10. (Possibility of buying a 10-course card).

If price is a concern, contact me so we can work together to find a solution that's fair to both you and me.

Register for a workshop



9-10 a.m.


Letting go of masks. Dare to be authentic.


I found...


"A safe haven where authenticity is freely accessible with Tenderness and Love."