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Movement Medicine Dancing for liberation

What is Movement Medicine?

A guided conscious dance
Freeing movement
Intention and transformation
Dancing for yourself

Meditation in motion

Movement Medicine, formerly known as Dance Medicine, is a practice of conscious dance. I see conscious dance as a fusion of dance and meditation. It's a form of bodily expression that develops self-awareness through movement.

A guided conscious dance

Dance is free in the sense that there is generally no movement to reproduce, no choreography. However, this does not mean that there is no framework. The teacher gives structure to the workshop through guidance (instructions) and music. I propose intentions, explorations and inspirations that support and orient the movement. These are all invitations to try out new ways of feeling and sensing one's body. It's all about breaking out of unconsciously repeated patterns and habits.

A space in which I can take the freedom to dance for myself. Forgetting all that's going on around me (even the music) to explore my world. It's a time and a space for myself.

According to its creators


In this video, Y'Aacov and Susannah Darling Khan, co-creators of Movement Medicine, tell the story of the practice's origin and intent.


Click to go to the School of Movement Medicine website.

A movement towards freedom

1. Authenticity

Freeing our dances from value judgments: no good movement, just the one that's there. The dance I can dance today. It may not be as aesthetic as I'd hoped. But it's right.

2. Pleasure

Improvise in a real dance hall, without worrying about what others around you might think. An interlude in a life that's 100 miles an hour and always with its head on the handlebars.

3. Intention and transformation

Dance my dance until it changes. The movement of the body induces a movement in the mind. Thespace we create and occupywithin ourselves changes the way we look at the world. Movement Medicine is just a dance, but it's also a tremendous space for personal transformation.


Practicing Movement Medicine

Want to give it a try? Find out about upcoming workshops and courses.

Starting afresh

Choosing your direction for 2025

Saturday, Jan. 18

2pm - 4:30pm


Evening Libère ta danse

Friday, March 7

19:30 -21:30


Box office opens March 1 here

Riding towards oneself

Movement Medicine and Equicoaching

May 30 to June 1

in Rassain (04)


Did you find something you weren't expecting?

 "Yes, beauty, ritual, depth... and modesty too." Laurent B.