Danse Marseille – Soirée libère ta danse

Soirée Libère ta danse à Marseille L’association Libradanse propose des ateliers de danse libre à Marseille. Le vendredi 14 juin, j’aurai le plaisir de guider un atelier de Movement Medicine. Une plongée dans les sensations corporelles grâce au mouvement...

Paris conscious dance

Paris conscious dance - Ensemble An evening of conscious dance guided by Solange Brelot, certified Movement Medicine teacher. A workshop at conscious dance to rediscover the pleasure of being together. A dive into body sensations through movement...

Body Heart Mind - Evening Libère ta danse

Letting go with dance in Aix en Provence Dance to feel more present, alive, connected and free! Carried away by the music, we allow movements to emerge that release tension and unblock the mind The conscious dance workshops -...