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Paris conscious dance

February 4 at 6:45 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Paris conscious dance

Paris conscious dance - Ensemble

An evening of conscious dance guided by Solange Brelot, certified Movement Medicine teacher. A workshop at conscious dance to rediscover the pleasure of being together. A plunge into bodily sensations through dance movement and Movement Medicine tools. A selection of mixed music to help you continue your personal exploration of what moves you. 
In Movement Medicine, formerly known as Dance Medicine, medicine is movement. By moving the body, we reconnect with our physicality, our emotions and, if we wish, our spirituality. We dance because it feels good, to feel alive, to explore who we are or to find answers...

A personal experience

Solange likes to start by exploring her current state of being. Diving gently into yourself to become aware of your physical, mental and emotional state. Taking the time to become more present to ourselves. Explore the matter of our bodies with curiosity and wonder. And from this observation, allow movement to emerge from within, free from the expectations and projections assumed by the outside world. Supported and inspired by the music, we let movement guide us.
Naturally, our dances will intersect in space. An opportunity to learn about ourselves in relation to others.



During this workshop, particular attention will be paid to exploring the way we relate to ourselves, to others and to the group.

Practical information

conscious dance in Paris

Sunday, February 4, 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Venue: Studio One Step - 18/20 rue Faubourg du Temple - Paris 11th arrondissement  

Code: if no one is at the door, send an SMS to 0666104452

Metro République (50 m from exit 4). Go through the street gates, down the alley. Go down the few steps and you're there. 

Price: €20

No registration, meet on site

Gratitude to Clément Léon, Certified Movement Medicine Teacher, for his generous openness and organization, without which this workshop could not take place.


conscious dance is open to everyone, with or without previous dance experience. Each of us carries our own dance. I'm keen to help you bring out "your" own dance.
Looking forward to dancing with you,
Certified Movement Medicine Teacher


Date :
February 4
Time :
18 h 45 min - 21 h 00 min
Event category:
Event Tags:
, ,


Libère ta danse
06 66 10 44 52
See the Organizer website


18-20 rue du Faubourg du temple
PARIS, France