06-66-10-44-52 contact@liberetadanse.com

Aix-en-P. - Evening Libère ta danse

conscious dance Aix evening in Aix en Provence. Dance to feel more present, alive, connected and free! Carried away by the music, we let the movements emerge that release tension and unblock the mind The conscious dance workshops - Libere...

Managing emotions through conscious dance

Pause-déj' -conscious dance - Gestion emotions Emotion management through dance 1h to take care of yourself Dance to feel alive Explore your emotions and find inner peace through conscious dance. Join us for a unique experience of...

Developing self-confidence through dance

Reinforce your self-confidence Workshop at conscious dance in Aix-en-Provence. Dance to feel freer. What can conscious dance do for your self-confidence? conscious dance offers much more than just...

Aix-en-P. - conscious dance à Midi

Dancing at noon in Aix-en-Provence Breathe and move 1h to take care of yourself Dancing to feel alive Relaxation and letting go: a practice to connect with the body and sensations conscious dance offers a unique path to relaxation and...