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Line dancing - Awaken your body, awaken your soul

September 17 at 9 h 00 min - 10 h 00 min

conscious dance online in the morning

Line dance workshop

Free up your time
Make room around you
Let's explore inside

Home practice for those who are not early risers, who are far away or who don't yet feel ready to join the group.

These online workshops at conscious dance enable you to (re)connect with your body through feeling, so that you can feel more present through movement.
It starts off gently, with kindness and breathing.

Nothing to do, just be. Concentrate on the breath and feel the movement coming from within. Let itaisse it grow and express itself according to the emotions and feelings of the moment.


Dancing in the morning online

Tuesday mornings from 9 to 10 a.m.

These sessions are open to everyone, with or without dance experience.

Start the day by taking care of yourself. A workshop to connect with your body, sensations and emotions. With no set movements, we'll go in search of movements and stretches that feel good. Weto feel alive and connected and connect with other participants.

Join us at 8.50am on Zoom for a guided Movement Medicine session.

The courses take place in 3 stages:

  • Welcome and landing together (5-10min)
  • Movement to music (approx. 45min)
  • Sharing experience (approx. 5min)

Price: Free trial class, then €10. Possibility of buying a 10-course card.

If price is a concern, contact me so we can work together to find a solution that's fair to both you and me.



9-10 a.m.


Letting go of masks. Dare to be authentic.


Did you find anything unexpected?


"A safe haven where authenticity is freely accessible with Tenderness and Love."


"Well-being greater than expected."


"I thought I would feel light during and at the end of the course and I didn't expect so many emotions".


Date :
September 17
Time :
9 h 00 min - 10 h 00 min
Event category:
Event Tags:
, , take , , , ,
Site :


at home


Libère ta danse
06 66 10 44 52
See the Organizer website